Monday, June 20, 2011

I would never! Babies blow fire!

"Good Girl" whispered into her ear. It was just what she wanted to hear. "I wanted you to tell me that" she looked up at him smiling, "there's nothing wrong with that is there?" she asked. He laughed and pulled at her blouse. "Take it off!" he said, looking rather faint. She listened. "Good girl" repeated. She laughed. "I love you" she affirmed by wrapping her hands around his neck and shoulders. Her naked chest exposed. "I love you with my whole heart" she said looking up at the light hanging above them. It reminded her of the sun, so bright. She could feel her pupils contract. He sat down on the bed, she placed her naked body on his. "Good girl" was all he could say, that made her smile. They kissed and she pulled herself closer to him. Their lips met over and over, he adored her intense pout and her red lips.
His cries went unnoticed for the first minute and a half. They had woke him up. "He doesn't know you're here" he said. "He doesn't know who I am" she whispered. They both looked at each other. They heard the sound of the littler foot steps tumbling in closer from up the hall. He quickly jumped and turned off the lights, a moment later the door swung open. He found himself in the arms of his five year old. She was out in the hall, "I'm not ready to be a mother at all" she thought to herself. She made her way out.


Anonymous said...

Im no Bush in a Jar! :(. But Im a little evil and a lot right, just what those youngsters need in their lives.

Anonymous said...

Good girl? There's the first problem...