Friday, February 15, 2008

Slow and Steady Gets Home and That's Enough

My night was o.k tonight, quiet and simple. I drove several of my personals. Man if it was not for them the taxi biz would not support my family, so thanx all you personal fares I love you. The only exciting thing I did was this morning, I excepted a late fare thinking that whoever I was gonna pick up was going a short distance away. So I pull up to the house and of course it was a couple on their way the airport. This would have been great if there wasn't one problem Freezing rain. You see it was -44 last week and last night it was -1 and raining, makes for a skating rink. I was scared to go on the high way, but the look of the couple that was on their way to Paris when I told them that I might not take them to the airport due to poor road conditions made me want to take the risk. I drove 60km on a 110km highway, there were so many cars in the ditch it was frightening but we took our time and the two made it to the airport with time to spare. They took good care of me "thanks guys" and they were a pleasure to drive, not all people are that nice at 4:30 am. They liked my stories (even though most are horrors) and they had some interesting views on them. The ride back was scarier, traffic going into the city started really coming in from Calgary, most of those drivers did not realize that their cars were skating on some thin but slick ice, but I survived. Then while I was paying for my fuel my gas station attendant told me they were robed the night before. "That sucks" I said because it was one of the ladies first graveyard shifts and she had a Knife put to her throat. Rough as fuck. Imagine that. Well they were happy because the police had a four minute response time and the dog got a hold of a scent and they caught the mother fucker at his house money in hand. Yes, I guess the bad mothers don't always win.


Paradise Driver said...

21 years as a cop, in one of the worst areas in the USA, told me this:

There ain't no such thing as a LEX LUTHER

Elise said...

That sounds awful! There are so many bad people in the world it makes me sick!

I'm glad you got home safely the roads sound awful xx

HeatherrrEloise said...

fuck the bad guys.

and i am glad you didn't
end up in a ditch.
on my way up to illinois i saw many people in wyoming, nebraska, and iowa on the side of the road....i saw quite a few fatalities too...

Bharat said...

four minutes... wow.. that's amazing... and amazing too that they DID catch someone in that cold...

you're an awesome driver dude :)

Anonymous said...

Hey you....I think you refered to me as the rich girl on Friday night...Feb are you? I hope you stay safe while driving all the drunk ass people in edmonton around....i know you think the world is coming to an end, as do I BUT there is beauty out there, we just have to open our eyes to see it