Thursday, December 23, 2010

Santa is Satan too.

I've been placing myself in the back of the room since I was a child. I remember siting back there and looking around and searching for answers. Life was grand. I always knew that somewhere there would be answers to my questions, usually on the sheet of paper of one of my peers. I figured if someone is sitting next to you they could share their knowledge. this world does not agree with my Idea about sharing knowledge, my concept is not acceptable in this world. My first grad teacher taught me that and that's all. Teachers are monsters lots of the time. Withered unhappy souls with no remorse, they live in a world of contempt and they put it out on the children they teach. Really we don't need educators in our society, well! We need them but let's be honest they are really suppose to be called....Manipulative government pawns who are going to hell for forcing garbage down the throats of our future.


Bum Atom said...

I failed fist grade "she failed at life"

The canadian Government said...

I second that!