Tuesday, May 17, 2011

suns second landing while soul sister-prays for you

Everything stopped, the world fell apart, her life was finally over.
The still air of the early afternoon left a faint feel of odyssey on the precious side of her cheek, she was fifteen. Nothing like the feel of the air on a sweet spring evening. It was no more then a quarter past six when the two boys pulled up in their black Eldorado style pick-up truck. They were the husky type, the kind you find up over, working the pipe line, mending the rigs over the valleys of the fine linings of the even Alberta Prairie landscapes. The nights were brisk in the early spring part of the season, the world around them was waking form a stubborn winters sleep and the nights were still holding strong and cold over the lake. The two boy's weren't wearing jackets. She smiled when they first showed up, not far from where she lived. They pushed the car up ever so slightly nearing the curb she was sitting on. The wind kissed her cheek, and just then out of the corner of her eye she realized that there was a series of clouds looming, they were dark and they threw down a benevolent shadow. The wind blew hard at her the instant she opened the door. "It was me" she remembered, looking back accepting that she went willingly that she had wanted to go forward with it and see.
They drove ten miles up town, they were speeding, both were drunk, the driver more so then his partner. She was more then two years younger then they were. Excited, the horizon sizzled with the saturated sun light, shinning, showing it's self to the ever so deliberate three, ominously over presently penetrating. All behavior was of the innocent nature till that spot of light decided to inevitably move along and run it's self off as always as the ever defiant, superficial explosive clock of imprisonment.
The darkness settled in nicely on them illuminating her with the realization she was together, alone, with them after dark. The night was slight, stone like. It whispered sorrows that grew too powerful, and became like threatening nomadic moans. If you listened closely to the cries your ears would begin to simmer and burn saluting the brimming stars with the sight of the stench of the insentient smoke. It grew fast and the wind howled and whaled as the vehicle endured and moved relentlessly against it, destroying, shoving forward. Shielded within the ride the passengers remained isolated, distracted, in their drunken demise together they were rearing an incredible witness. The boys were having fun, and she lay there demented, dreaming of the precedence of her emotion, re embarking herself in the thought of an entanglement with the sun and their falling together. Holding it now in the palm of her hand and pressing the recollection of it into the core of her heart. The wind was there hearing the stunted atmosphere swear in screams, as one drunken driver holds off to be replaced by the other. He listens as he finds a straight line between the curves along the road, while feeling the wind stiffen rushing through the small cracks let in through the windows. Peace blows by them both, as they began their journey home, back to the winter-less abyss that has been their predicament, their home. The ride seems endless to her in the motionlessness of the travel. Over come with inertia she listens to the saunter of the soft songs of the night. One of them had his wide window open and in through it blew what baffled them, it was the painful rush of a strike of molested and mangled air.
"Can you smell that" he asked, sober sounding, having softened and feeling relieved. "It's smoke" he yelled, sniffing and sticking his head out into the wind. "look..." he stopped, pointing, "oh my God...the town's still in there." She had set it back...as she sat and marveled in the delight of the majesty that is in her inevitable reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gone heard it was God that went and changed things for us, but it's we's that do it to ourselves.