Wednesday, October 10, 2012

gets a bad rap! For being a slut!

You know what they really want to do in the long run? They are looking to satisfy his desires so that he settles with them. He picks her over the rest. She needs to be able to drain him to top herself off. Love juice. Fucking love Juice, I can't get enough of that stuff.
There is dozens and dozens of young woman out there that want to end up on top. They want to seduce the boy, then get him to fall for her, then she wants to leave him hanging. That's why that satisfaction is so important. You know the only problem with that is that Shakespeare doesn't agree with this. I mean all the dudes in his plays say that women are sluts. Well I mean lots of male characters hate on chick. Yet honestly there isn't many sluts in his work. I think Shakespeare thinks that chicks are getting a bad rap. So what do they want in the long run? They want a fantasy, a man and a friend. When they're young they want him to support her. Then when she's forty she wants him to ......... be seduced by her.
It's funny the fact that this is a post written for a man, to tell him the same old shit. I wanted to tell you that if I love you like a woman, except if we don't fuck, we might get somewhere, but the chances are that unlike the women in Shakespeare, you might actually be in it to win it. Meaning! I end up looking like the bitch, and lets remember, she  ' 

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