So I think outside of the box and fashion week was ruined. How is it that a kid with a reflector can cause such a ruckus. WHo Fucking cares, so some asshole thinks they can tell me what to do. The fact is there is everyone, and then there is me. Family seems to be a really powerful defense mechanism. Family keeps me going.
explain? so you ruined your city's fashion expo?
Oh no. What happened? Was it the drug dealer?
Consequences? Man I'm glad she sat in that spot, The slight angle improved the shots. You should seriously think about what you wrote except try to be less anonymous. Where did you sit?lol. Well thanks for stopping by it gives anonymous 1 something to read, she knows everything know!
Perhaps, it is not everyone else, but a lack of professionalism on your part.
Coming in to a venue like that and expecting to be able to hassle anyone and everyone will get you the wrong kind of attention. And yes, there is a bad kind of attention.
Good for you Mariusz, I admire some of your work, and the fact that you have nothing to hide, good for you.
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