Monday, October 13, 2014

the art of this is bullshit

SHooting the shit over and over again. Looking for anyway to getting out into the world and back inside my mom... strange how we see ourselves as adults, when we're not.

I've been thinking about discipline and I think that it has something to do with success. Now we're disciplined in our own way. We've all let ourselves choose our evils that keep us moving forward. Hens shooting the shit over and over again.
I've been getting everything I want out of life in the last few years, I've learned my self worth. I haven't earned it, but I've learned it.
This is a feeble world run on some pretty thin and miserable set of rules.
Every time I set myself up to see what's next I make sure that it's between another womans legs.

I use my face though, with confidence, makes me feel a little less feeble in a world where a woman can be seduced by a poor artist in less than three sentences.

But that's just the way it is. The artist has that kind of foresight into the world. Being able to taste the sweetness that comes form that art of seduction has everything to do with being an adult.

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